Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend-the kick off of Christmas

There is always something to be happy about!! Even more so there is always something to be Thankful for. 
Here is my list of thanks...
1. Family and that we were all able to spend Thanksgiving with Justin and Kaitlyn
2. Ryan and how he always comes through for me 
3. Hunter and Moka because they love me unconditionally
4. my job, that although stressful at time, because the paycheck helps put food on the table, a roof over our head, gives me a car to drive, presents to buy at this time of the year and still allows me to save for our dreams
5. Christmas trees and the beauty these things add to life
6. My friends and how we can spend time with each other doing nothing and just laughing..or watching Charlie Brown on Youtube :)
7. Setting goals and keeping them. This year I am super thankful for new years resolutions
8. This year I am thankful for learning how to budget
9. The spirit of Christmas
10. my health and my family and friends Health
11. Helping those in need no matter how small
12. Being able to end my facebook addiction. No farmville this year
13. Living a "greener" life

There are so many more but these are the recent and bigger ones. I am thankful for many more things.
I am also hoping to start blogging a bit more. Maybe on Santa Claus, the meaning of Christmas and spirits!!