Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy about NOT Dieting!! Happy about MY Body Image

So about a month ago I bought a book called Thin is the New Happy by Valerie Frankel. I bought this in the height for my 4 hour a day exercise regimen (which I exhausted my self and my time every day accomplishing) and finished this book this morning.

This must read novel if for ANY woman out there : in all shapes and sizes. It teaches you now to break the dieting cycle and rid yourself of the negatives that cause you to eat. The book takes you on an emotionally disturbing memoir of the poor body image her mom bestows  on her at 11 years old. Her mother Judy, calls her Fat, puts her on diets, sends her to Weight Watchers. This preadolescent girl is burned with the thought process that skinny is the only way to get love, to be loved, and succeed. After years of crash dieting she rids her mind of her emotional baggage and the idea of dieting and gets to her predetermined goal weight. She drops "The INNER BITCH" talk and thoughts and starts to think of herself positively.

Valerie does continue to exercise but she allows herself to eat and enjoy life. We all should not be basing our inner worth on food and calorie counting and the guilt that is brings with it.

"Amen, sister! We shall overcome! Among all oppressed peoples throughout history, we women hold the dubious distinction of being the only group to persecute ourselves. We are our own enemies. We choose the battle that we could never win. Call it the Thousand Years War. If every woman on earth were to suddenly release her far obsession into the wind, the world would change profoundly for the better. The world around us, and world within." Valerie Frankel

I love this book and the emotional and mental process has changed in me. I do not want to diet. I just want to be healthy. So today I vow to change my thinking and way of life. I want to live happy and not worry about the guilt of dieting.

Rise up women...It is time to stop wishing we all looked like Victoria Secret models. Our bodies are all not predisposed to be that way.

I recommend this book as an immediate ready. Feel free to click on the link today to purchase your copy.

With love, Natasha!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My man!! He makes me so Happy!

So Ryan stepped it up major for me today and this has proved he would do anything for me. dream car is for sale. I filled out an application to purchase the vehicle. When did this the loan amount was still high because I have not saved for a down payment...cause I was not looking for a car. With my student loans they are saying that I need a co-signer even though my credit is great. So Ryan offered to co-sign for me today because he knows how much I want it. I am not sure if this will work out but this is awesome. This would be better than getting a ring...and that is something that I have wanted to have happen for about a year and hasn't. Yes I love this car so much that this is better than diamonds! We will is just to have him offer. I did not even ask