Sunday, April 4, 2010

Year 2010 -first quarter down

I am reflecting on the first 1/4 of 2010. Yup it has flown by. I am trying to think about all that I have done thus far. What has 2010 amounted to yet?
I had some resloutions like: be a better friend. I think I am doing that very well. I send cards to all of my besties once a month. I really gave it a go with Emily but she did not want to do the same so I needed to call that one quits again. I was the only one making an effort.
I wanted to pay off some credit cards this year and guess what I did it with my first one (first one of the year that is) :)! I am super duper excited about it. I am working at paying off another credit card this month with a much bigger balance :) And I feel like I am going to do it.

The first quarter has mostly spent making plans for the nice weather. We have a lot going on this summer. Hikes with the babies (these are our dogs). Beach trips. Country concerts. A vacation to Punta Canta. Ryan and I are going to see JACK JOHNSON my all time favorite musician! I travel far and wide and basically have spent ANY amount of money. But this year there is no need too! It is going to rock.

The first quarter work wise has been insane! I have been doing the work myself of 2 people. We just had Action's largest month EVER! Setting a new record in the label department. I am working my ass off and has felt little to no appreciation back until last week when I was handed a thank you note with a $100.00 gift certificate to Poncho Loco for my "efforts". Bullshit. I kept the company running. But you know, however they all want to put it is fine!

Oh my "friend" Michael promised me $2500.00 for helping acquire the commission off of the Yankee Candle account. Well that was back around Labor Day and I still have not seen a dime! I even asked for it and have seen nothing. Meanwhile he is out buying a house and paying for a lavish wedding. So I call him a "friend" because he used me for knowledge on account and NEVER paid up. I wanted to be able to pay off some more bills, buy something for my brother Michael since his stuff got stolen and pay for my vacation. If there was anything left start putting it aside so Ryan and I can buy a house in 3 years. But no luck at this time. And I still donated $50.00 to MS for this marathon run. I will need to talk with him at the end of this month if I still have not seen anything.

On another note I am on a massive saving money kick. I joined a warehouse store. I am eating every thing in the house. Making coffee and bringing lunch and making dinner every day (except for Poncho Loco because that was a gift certificate). I have paying off a little extra money on my bills every month where I can afford it. I did 2 months in a row on student loans and on my car and bowflex. I want to have all credit cards paid off this year and the bowflex counts as one of them.

Hunter is good but has cost me tons of money so far this year. We needed to get him fixed and he has been sick. But if he did not get sick I would not have realized that I was over feeding him and now I will probably save money on food in the long run. After the chicken and rice are out he and Moka are going on a measured diet.

The only thing that I have not really done is work out every day. I watch tv after work anyway so now I will be spending part of that time doing yoga or fat burning pilates daily on top of my walks with Hunter. Once I finish all of the deli meat (Which should be this week) I am going vegetarian for lunch every day and Monday-Wednesday for dinner when Ryan is working. That should help too! I will keep updating the year progression. Stay tuned for my next reflection blog on my goals at the end of June!

Til then! If I had to name this year something yet it would be: 2010- work hard but play harder! Fun to be had in the upcoming warm months

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on the saving money front! We make AWESOME iced coffee at's actually way better than buying it at DD or wherever. Here's the blog I wrote about how to do it:
