Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where there is Crisis there is opportunity

I started to write this blog a few days ago to vent. Ryan and I had faced a bunch of little problems this week, but when we were climbing that mountain it sure seemed like crisis after crisis after crisis. Truth be told I was not finding ANY opportunity that was one that could be positive.

Then yesterday it hit me. The opportunity was to think POSITIVELY about the situations...
See Ryan and my credit/debit card numbers got stolen. My credit card was used in England and Ryan's bank card was used in Brazil. My credit card company called and emailed me right away letting me know of the charge and making sure that it was mine. It was not so they automatically closed the account and removed the charges. They are starting me with a new account this week. Ryan didn't find out all of his money was gone until he went to get gas and card was rejected. His bank account was cleared out. He was able to dispute the charges and get this money reimbursed within 5 days. He is also getting a new debit card with a new number. At the time Ryan owed me some money to cover our rent but would not be able to give it to me until after the rent was due. This made me stress out!!! But then I realized we didn't have too. I started a savings account in September so we could buy a house. I have plenty of money in there to cover the rent. So nothing to feel bad about. We are fine because I no longer let us live paycheck to paycheck...and that feels great.

The other minor situations are Ryan's truck broke down but he has a friend with an extra vehicle that let him borrow it for as long as he needs it. What great friends/family. And my cell phone battery crapped the bed. It will no longer hold a charge. I can talk when it is plugged in to a charger but that is all. That will get me through the week and I will buy a new one on Wednesday. No worries. So there...the opportunities became positive thinking and great friends and family.

We had no penalties and I will be able to replace the money that I took out of our savings :) Yeah!! Happy 2011...It will keep happening...

Because I had to take money out of the account it also made me really dive into all of the bills we have. I started an itemized spreadsheet and I will keep track of this through out the year. Last year I started budgeting to save money. This year I am taking it one step further by documenting everything :)

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