Friday, July 2, 2010

Take the Time to Tie Up Loose Ends

I am sure for those of you that have been following this blog or my facebook, you know that I have been working on the positive thinking thing. And I feel like I have been doing a great job. This will still take some time because I am a compulsive judger. I judge every situation, people I know and people I don't know. Only a few have made it to the NON-JUDGEMENT list.  Again...long way to go until I can get everyone in that category but still trying to repremand that poor thought process when it pops up.

Any how, I have decided to tie up all of the loose ends. You know the things we start but don't finish.
So yesterday the first untied string was to chave Brian and my joint bank account closed since we have not been together for 2 years. He started to resist and I made him transfer out the money and then closed it. I doo not need to be tied to his name.

I also put an end to a really messy confusing friendship. No need to have a drama filled relationship with anyone. It just kept dragging me down! Ridiculous.

I started writing down my goals again so I could them all accomplished. When I was 19 years old I said I wanted to run a  marathon by the time I was  30 years old. I have spent these years postponing this goal and I am turning 27 in 2 months. So this month I am starting the 1/2 marathon training for the Hartford marathon in October. I am going to run the full marathon next year when I am 28 years old and do the Triatholon next September. It would be good to not push the envelope and wait to the last minute. So I on the search to get my timing chip for my ipod and sneaker and track my progress! I am pretty pumped.

One of my new years resolutions was to pay off my credit card debt and I am still right on schedule with that. My car should be paid off at the end of 2011. That was a recent set goal. Oct I have 3 more years to go so I will end up paying off 2 years early! I totally recommend the money budget site . It is super helpful.

So all and all I am feeling super proud and super positive.

Have a happy 4th everyone.

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