Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial day weekend -bathing suit season is here

So I am so happy that it is memorial day because I love warm summer weather. I am unhappy Memorial day is here because someone at work 2 weeks ago told me that I have a little belly that can be seen sometimes when I bend over. Hello. So I got home and went on the scale. I am 5' 6" and weight 135.6 lbs. I have not problem saying that because my goal weight since I was 160lbs at the end of high school was 135lbs. Yes I have a little pouch but that happened when I got pregnant. So for the last 2 weeks I have been running or walking 5-7 miles a day and doing some ballet inspired moves. I have decided that after memorial day weekend I am picking up the pace.

1. I want to lose 10 more lbs and I am done. Some would say too skinny and just maybe to them. I know when I was my thinnest was 127lbs. If I finish there I will be happy too.

2. I will do this by losing 2 lbs a week- eating 1400 calories a day

3. Each morning will be sent starting with a 5 mile /walk or run. I will continue to walk another mile on my lunch break every day

4. After work I will rollerblade to work on MY troubled area MY LEGS. Yes that it right. I don't consider my stomach poor...I sit on a stability ball every day at work...if anything it is tight...but has a little pouch. Rollerblading will be days a week.

5. Yoga, pilates, or ballet stretches will finish each work out.

6. 2 times a week 30 day shred circuit training Jillian Michaels style followed by resistance band training.

7. I am going to do a total body system cleanse in the month of June

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